Thursday, March 31, 2016

Dinner Rotation

We came up with this little thing about 3 weeks ago (after Corey returned from his 10 day work trip to Brazil, I had to start cooking meals again (a lot of YOYO dinners while he was gone (You're On Your Own))). And after failing on a busy Wednesday night, I resolved to do better. Joseph also made dinner one night which was great, and yay, that was really helpful! I should have them help out more often. Thus was born our family dinner rotation display thingy~ We have our little display board (going to get a cuter chalkboard maybe...) on a metal easel...
And a little clothes pin with magnets that holds the papers saying what day we're on and who is helping:
I keep the papers in a little bowl and just magnet them to the clothes pin - the "Who's making dinner" magnet connects to the other magnet holding the papers on.
So there is our little dinner rotation thingy, The kids really like drawing on the black board. It's the little things in life... Hyrum wrote "Orange Chicken" then drew a chicken and colored him orange, eventhough it looks more yellow than orange. I'll experiment with better markers, these ones are dry erase crayons which I liked cause they won't dry out. (I figured the kids would like drawing on it and they are pretty good at losing the lids, leaving me flustered as I throw too many markers in the trash. We'll see if this saves me a little bit of headache). They don't just like drawing, they really like helping cook too and they look forward to their day to help. And win-win: I feel like a good mom knowing I'm teaching the a little bit about how to cook (like how to turn on the oven!). I don't have any memories of cooking with my parents growing up. Probably cause I was in my own world playing soccer. I want to teach my kids some basic skills and not have them have to learn everything from Home Ec in Jr. High (a CTE course now...) I want to do this, I just need to slow down and make the time to let them help, this is a step in the right direction. :)