Friday, March 18, 2016

Super Heroes!

The little girls were Natalie and Sophi were superheroes last night. Lily made little insignias for them our of paper. Then they taped them on their shirt fronts. Didn't stay on too well... They've requested that I sew some. I think they would be easy enough for me to do, so I will do it. ( soon as I get the laundry room desk cleaned off. That is the new favorite place for the little girls to do their crafting and it drives me a little crazy. I tell them not to get into any of that stuff without permission, but I'll still go in there to find Lily, (the 6 year old mind you) has been using the hot glue and left it plugged in. There is paper scraps and shreds everywhere, buttons and crystal beads, they just make a mess. I think I should just get rid of all of it.)

Ok, back on subject, so the little girls have been superheroes. Corey got a video of Natalie saying "I'm a SUPER HERO!!" and it was adorable. Their superhero outfits are their pajamas with a blanket tied around their necks.
Sometimes Natalie also puts on gloves. She makes me smile.