Thursday, March 3, 2016

U of U Field Trip

Today Wesley's grade is going on a field trip. When I dropped him off at school, I suddenly couldn't remember where it was to, and fearing it was the symphony or something fancy, I looked at him and wondered if he was under dressed. "Isn't your field trip today?" "Yep!" Then with a big smile, he said "We're going to the U!!" Ok, so he remembered, and his answer made it seem that he was on top of what the dress code was for their outing, but now I wondered about his outfit for different reasons. With a proud smile and almost laughing he said "I planned this! It's like my science experiment or something!"
"And that's not all..." and he lifted up his sweat shirt to show a second layer of loyalty.
Well, you look good buddy. He said he hoping to be harassed and yelled at or something. When he came home, I asked him how the field trip was. The trip itself was fine, but then he said with some sadness. "No one even said anything. I thought I'd get shoved in a locker or something..." Well, don't give up Wesers. Try again, maybe you'll get lucky next time.