Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Costa Rica Friends

We had some special visitors on Sunday night - Magaly and Esteban, some of our far away friends from Costa Rica. We met them in our church ward there. They were the second sent from heaven people on my list of Costa Rica angels who helped me get ready to go to Chile back in 2010. It was fun to visit with them and catch up. Esteban has been in the US since January, Magaly came last month, and they are headed back to Costa Rica today. We broke out our 2010 blog book so the kids could look back and try to remember them. The older kids recognized them, Abi and Lily, not so much. But we told them that Magaly and Esteban wanted to keep little Abi and baby Lily with them in Costa Rica. That made them both feel super special and they snuggled right up ~
Lily kept them entertained with songs while they ate their dinner:
Well, we didn't let you girls stay with them in Costa Rica last time... they offered again to take them home with them back to the land of the Rich Coast, with a promise to raise them well. What do you think Lily, Abi... would you like to go and learn to be Ticas and go swimming in the ocean everyday? or do you want to stay with us in boring ol' Utah?
Little Abi then:

And now:
It was a tough choice, but Lily finally decided to stay, and Abi, well, the picture above says it all. 
Just kidding, she reluctantly decided to stay in America too. It was great to visit with them and we decided we've got to go back. Once Movie Mouth hits it big we'll reward ourselves with a family trip. back to Villareal! Yay, the kids are praying even harder now and are looking forward to it! Come on, Dad's business!! Go go!