Thursday, April 14, 2016

Couch Potato

Last night Owen took a little power nap after dinner. He fell asleep as Ethan held him while I gave the little girls a bath. When I came down, Ethan had him in the chair with his cell phone next to him. At first glance I thought it was a remote, and thought it made a funny picture, as if this little man had fallen asleep watching his favorite team on the tv. My comment inspired Ethan's creativity. We didn't have any popcorn or potato chips... so baby puffs it is:
Remote in hand, slouched in the recliner... Ethan even crumbled up some of the puffs onto Owen's shirt, giving the impression that this guy had been munching on them mindlessly during the big game (never mind that O's teeth can't crunch anything yet or that baby puffs don't crumble, they just go soggy)
Still, we all got a good laugh at Ethan's photo composition. We love Owen!