Thursday, April 28, 2016

Four Decades

Did you know that today is my happy birthday? Well I did, and my kids did, but they didn't know that Google - THEE Google - knew too!
That's right kids, I'm pretty tight with the owners of Google, also because of my huge number of fans and my large internet presence, the country found it only fitting to change the Google search engine across the world to wish me a happy birthday. I told them it's actually most likely from a pretty simple programming algorithm that let's them change the image just for us on my birthday, which they have from my gmail. Anyway, I thought it was a nice touch, thanks Google.

So, this morning we had German chocolate cake for breakfast, hooray! Hyrum was tired though. And unfortunately for my sugar dragon, the kids don't care for coconut much, so I'm sure I'll end up eating most of this. Hopefully not all in one day...
For my happy birthday I cleaned the house. Then around four o'clock Corey took me shopping at TJMaxx and Home Goods out by his work. I found a few good things that fit me now and I tried to get things that will hopefully fit me post-pregnancy too. Got some new sunglasses and sandals, thanks to my inlaws for the b-day cash. Corey got me a gift card to Massage Envy. Never been there before, but I dream of having massages.

My best birthday surprise came last night though, when I got a call at 10:08 pm from my BFF Nicole, who lives in Maine. I wondered why she was calling me at 1 a.m. (must be a big 911 emergency!) But she didn't sound like she was having a breakdown. "Everything ok?" "Yeah!" "...Is it 1 in the morning?" "No, it's just past 10..." "...Are you in Utah?" "YES!" And she just got of the plane and was on her way to see me. She had come out last minute to attend the BYU Women's Conference which is today and tomorrow. But she stopped by here first, aww! So we chatted for a quick hour and then she headed to Provo to crash before her full two day of inspirational talks. We are going to get together to go to the temple on Friday before she heads home to her kiddos on Saturday morning. What a great birthday surprise, I love my hermana!