Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Bike Rodeo

Last Thursday was Lily's Bike rodeo. It had been postponed a week because of rain. She was excited when the day finally came. She was able to take a scooter ~ we'll teach her to ride a bike this summer.
Lily is a cute little girl. It's cute how excited they are for mom or dad to come to school. Corey went on a field trip with her class to the Aquarium last Tuesday (May 3rd) and boy was she excited.
Corey and I are trying to make sure we invest time in the lives of the younger children. We got the older group up and running, but now they take so much time, we've really got to work to make sure they don't take too much and that it's balanced out with the younger kids. It's helped having Joseph be a driver.
Corey reads to Abi every night. But I think we gotta get Wes and Abi and Lily involved in music or sports or dance. Wes has started trumpet, Abi isn't good at practicing flute, we gotta follow up with her a bit more. What do you want to do, little Lily? We can talk about it during the summer during our bike riding practices. Right after we drag ourselves across the finish line of this school year! Only another month to go, looking forward to summer!!