Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Sunday Desserts

I'm attempting to reduce the sugar intake around our home. One way is by only having bagged junk cereals on Sunday (for the kids who do their work during the week). And another way is that we don't have desserts during the week, but do have a special dessert on Sunday that the kids take turns planning for and preparing for everyone. This past Sunday was Lily's turn. The Sunday before, we looked through a recipe book and she picked out a Strawberry shortcake Parfait. She was looking forward to it all week! On Sunday after church, we had our late lunch/early dinner meal, and then Lily and I went to work. First layer at the bottom of each glass cup was a scoop of tapioca pudding. Next - cubes of yellow pound cake that Lily cut. 3rd layer - sliced strawberries. Followed by vanilla ice cream, a bit more cake, then whipped cream, red sprinkles, and a vanilla oreo cookie. Her older siblings were very happy that she had chosen such a scrumptious dessert, especially for them to enjoy after fast Sunday. Good job Lil.
I like idea of having desserts on Sundays - it's another way to make Sunday special and different from the rest of the week. Plus I like having them take turns choosing and making it together with me. Also, I hope the anticipation makes them enjoy and savor the dessert more, rather than having their taste buds dead to the sweetness of food from the default sugar overload that they've usually had.