Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Trying to get Organized

It seems like I usually am gung-ho in only one area of my life at a time. Either I'll be totally in the zone with exercising or diet, or with my scripture study, or I'll be finding lots of great books to read, or I'll be totally on top of cleaning the house. I was in the clean the house zone for the past month, and that was nice. But I have noticed that I seem to only be able to do one thing full on at a time, and the other things will just be doing the minimum or trying to atleast maintain the habit. Right now it's none of the above. Bulk clean up over the weekend got me in clear out and organize mode, which never looks very organized or tidy. We're moving the "music room" over to the study, since it's close to the front room, which is where most of the musical instruments end up anyway. And moving my study into the former music room. Put in a little couch in there, hopefully it will be a nice quiet reading area. Still getting that organized...
Putting the former desk music room downstairs into the unfinished part of the basement - then the kids can craft and paint there (maybe). We'll have to set up some rules about that. But there is no carpet, so it's a good place for them to practice tidy art habits. Also, the hutch kinda does a fair job at being a wall/divider there. Someday we'll finish the basement...
There is still a lot of organizing to do~ mostly with music stuff, which I don't know what belongs to who or where, so I need the kids help with that. Right now it's just in a pile in the front room. I haven't gotten too much help yet, so the house is kind of a wreck, and I'm about on burnout mode. We're just trying to drag our family across the school finish line.  I'm not on the ball with exercise or diet. Not reading much, I am able to listen to conference or scriptures, so I guess that counts a little. Haven't felt like blogging, but so have some things from the past week that I'll try to update. But just checking in to say we're alive but just barely, I'm looking forward to summer and having my mornings back for a few months. That was one of the great things about Brazil - no outside obligations dictating our family schedule. Of course we have plently of events planned for summer: Trek is the first weekend of June, then there are quite a few band tours for the boys. I know it will fly by, but that will be good too, cause the faster it goes by the sooner September will be here and the sooner we get to meet this baby (and I get to not be pregnant). I really do not enjoy being pregnant. Too bad for me huh, since I seem to be caught in this perpetual pregnant groundhog day.