Thursday, May 5, 2016

Tulip Festival

Usually Joseph takes my car to school. This Monday, however, I had the car for a doctor appointment. Since I had it we took advantage of it and I took the girls to Thanksgiving Point. Sophi wanted to go to the "dinosaur place" so that is where we went. I was surprised as a big banner outside the museum though, that said the tulip festival went through May 7th... cause that is this weekend! I thought I had more time than that, doh! I didn't want to let another spring slip away without going to the gorgeous gardens. I texted my dad letting him know it was ending this weekend if he wanted to try and go with me. This afternoon he called saying he's been swamped at work and asked if I had gone yet. I said not yet, but his call made me resolve to do it now. The older kids were gone at a school concert, but I had a car, so off we went, yay! Making it happen. It was 6:30 pm, good lighting for taking pictures. Owen was a sweetheart the whole time, just chilling in his stroller throne. Abi was a good helper and they liked the flowers. At first they asked what we were going to do there. "Just walk around and look at flowers. You might think it's boring, but it is beautiful!" They were ready to not have a good time, but I think were pleasantly surprised by just how many flowers there were to look at. We aren't just walking around the neighborhood looking at people's yards - THIS is a feast for the eyes!!
It is seriously paradise - heaven on earth, the garden of Eden!! It is amazing, totally filled my cup.
 So beautiful.
Abi and Lily and their friend Jules played on the hill by the waterfall amphitheater while I walked around with Owen and took pictures.  Petals from the white tree blossoms layed like a thin layer of snowflakes on the grass.
I was so glad we were able to go. We were at the furthest part of the gardens when a man on a golf cart came by to tell us that is was almost 8:00 and the gardens were closing and to proceed toward the exit. So we were there for an hour but I could have stayed longer... might have to go back again tomorrow. After we got to the car, I couldn't find my keys. It was dark and everything was closed, but after going back to the main garden center and pounding on the doors they opened for us and we were able to ask if any keys had been turned in, "Are you Tiffanie?" Yes! Thank you! The kids felt we had a good chance of being stuck for the night. I was worried I'd left the keys in the car, but then remembered I had them at the admission desk. So, that made us 30 minutes late, but we were on our way at 9, and yes, weather permitting (slight chance of rain in the forecast) we'll be back tomorrow!