Friday, June 17, 2016

The Unicorn

Last Friday I was cleaning up papers in the art area downstairs and found this book. I believe it was made by Sophi and Lily. Lily did most of it I'm sure. Here is the title page: The YENCRN
Page one in the book is, I believe, Sophi's contribution. Though I'm not sure what it says...
Page two: Once upon utime ther was a younuckrn named Sophia. She was lrning the ABCs.
Page 3: But she got it wrong. She didn't learn it until she was married.
And that's as far as they got. Love it. :) So I thought that was cute. The older kids are at a music camp this week, they will be back tomorrow. Tonight Joseph and Ethan had a concert. But like Mel's concert, I was not in attendance and thus do not have any photos to share, but they did great, the barry sax is really big on Ethan, and they made their dad proud. Will try to update with photos later.

As for us here at home, since our date night was postponed, I had Hyrum and Wes mow the lawn and we did yard work - getting a jump start on our weekend chores feels good!