Saturday, June 25, 2016

Wesley is 11!

Happy Birthday Wesley!
Let's see... we've already had his party, but I guess there is a little more celebrating to do. Well, first let's do Lily. Wes got a cake on her birthday, seems like she should get one on his... so we sang for Lily and had her blow out a candle on the cake my mom brought over last night. Who wants chocolate cake for breakfast? Yay!
Next, Wes opened a few presents. First from Corey and me, and then my mom came by with gifts at 11, followed by Corey's parents around 1.
Wes was happy to get lots of Legos (cause for some reason our kids just don't think we have enough or something?) and then we had more chocolate cake...
(can't have too much chocolate cake either?) My mom brought by this one too. It was of a patriotic theme, but we had to cover it to keep the ash from falling in the frosting, and so the sparks wouldn't melt it. So after another round of cake Corey took the kids swimming. It's been another good day for the kids I hope, and now we get a brief birthday break until Natalie in two weeks. It's just party party all the time around here!