Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Eye Patch

Sophi had an eye doctor appointment this morning. I've been taking her to a different eye center than where I take the rest of the kids - one that is better for pediatric eye care eventhough it's more expensive. I thought today would be my last appointment there, since Sophi knows her ABC well enough now that she can go where the other kids get their exams done. But that plan got derailed as he said her left eye got worse and so she'll need to wear an eye patch and then he needs to see her again after a few weeks...
Ten weeks to be exact, and I was like "TEN?!?!" Ten is like forever! Then I realized I still have over 10 weeks of pregnancy... ahh! FOREVER!!! I can't think about it, gotta just keep my head down! So, if I just focus on her eye patch and try not to count pregnancy weeks, then when her eye patch is off, I'll just have one more week, yeah! That might be a way to look at it to cope?

So she only has to wear it for two hours a day. I haven't had a kid in a patch before, so this is new.... I shall have to do some googling to learn about it. One thing I did learn is that the eye patches are kinda stupidly expensive, a bit of a racket. Should be about the same as a bandaid you'd think, right? Only you can get 100 bandaids for a buck, and you have to pay $7 bucks for just 20 patches. I thought that was a bit ridiculous. So I need to get 70 patches for her to make it through the next 10 weeks. I might try to get some that are more girly on Amazon... might order these. I liked these designs better but the reviews weren't as good... hm. For now, we stopped by Walmart on the way home to get some that should last us two weeks. Sophi was a good sport about it, she's such a humble little person. I could tell she didn't like it but she was obedient and didn't take it off until I said. She's a good little girl, love ya Soph.