Friday, July 8, 2016

Tour and Camp

We're missing three kids right now. Ethan and Hyrum left for their annual band tour early Wednesday morning. I haven't talked to them at all, but have been able to peek a little into their experience via facebook. They've been in San Fransisco
They performed on Pier 39, fun! Hyrum is the third head from the left in the photo below, Ethan front and center.
I trust they've had a good time, we'll hear about it Monday morning (since they get home late Sunday night). Melodie has also been missing for a day - she went up to Bear Lake yesterday for our church ward's girls' camp. They are staying at a cabin, so pretty easy on the "camping" part, but still enjoying getting into nature. One of her leaders shared this photo on facebook.
I drove there to pick Mel up tonight because she has an audition early tomorrow morning. She would have liked to stay the night and leave early tomorrow, but sleeping over and leaving at 5 am to get back in time for the audition didn't sound realistic to me. So we're coming tonight and going home tonight, sorry Mel! So off I went ~ Corey's parents watched the kids for me so I didn't have to hold any of them hostage in a carseat for such a long drive. Abi was a sweetheart and came along to keep me company during the 5 hour round trip. I rewarded her with some fast food in Evanston. When we got to Bear Lake, we stopped so she could quickly dip her feet in the beautiful mountain lake.
Then we met up with Melodie and her friends for some world famous Raspberry shakes at LeBeaus in at Raspberry Square.
It was a good drive, glad we're done and back home. Thank you to Brandon Flowers for keeping me company as I listened to and sang along to 6 repeats of his Flamingo cd. Flowers and John Denver are my driving discs - I can always trust them to keep me awake.