Monday, August 15, 2016

Lego Competition

Abi challenged Corey to a lego competition over the weekend. Sunday was the day that the contest was set to take place. I'm not sure what the rules were or criteria for declaring a winner, but I heard that I was going to be the judge. After an afternoon of working, they still haven't finished. And I'm not sure some of the participants will get a chance to get back at it during the week, so we'll see how or if this contest officially ends anytime soon. I have seen some of the work. I liked Mel's "mini city" -
And Wes made a Lego Baby bank.
(Hi little Owen face! You're cuter than a lego baby!) (not that you haven't done a great job Wes, but you know nothing can compete with your little brother)
 Looks like Owen is trying to get his money.
I'm not sure what Corey or anyone else made. We'll see if they're all able to finish the contest next weekend.
On Saturday Corey took Hyrum out for breakfast for his birthday, and then they went by the Lego store where, as luck would have it, they got a new shipment of mini figures in. Corey and Hyrum felt around the packages for a bit and Hyrum was very happy to come home with a Lego baby for his family. Thus the inspiration for Wesley's creation.