Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Assistant SBO Campaign

Recently the Jr. High school decided to move 9th grade to the high school, so this is the last year there for Ethan and Hyrum. To try to give 8th graders a chance to have the opportunities they would have had as 9th graders, they have made a few adjustments, like they are going to let 8th graders go to "9th grade Lagoon Day" for example. Another thing they are doing is letting some of them be student body officers. "Assistant SBO"s is what they are calling them. Hyrum is running for Assistant SBO. The kids spent dinner time trying to come up with different slogans: Don't be a Bum, vote for Hyrum! Don't drink Rum, vote for Hyrum! Don't be Dumb - vote for Hyrum!! Then the decided that Hyrum's name doesn't rhyme with anything good. When Corey came home he shared his idea - he always helps the kids with their posters and t-shirts and has good ideas. He started reading some random fun facts that he foudn on the internet and Hyrum chose a few to use. Here is Hyrum's poster
And I snapped a picture of him eating breakfast this morning.
I think he'll find out on Friday if he made it past the primary election. Good luck Hyrum!