Wednesday, September 7, 2016

One Day More

Corey will be back home tomorrow, yay. Things have been good, I've felt very well and not at all frazzled or overwhelmed while he's been gone. Probably the biggest help is that I have a second driver in Joseph. He's been taking the van most days cause that is the family car, and it allows him to pick up the after school carpool. Today I kept the van so I could do the afternoon pick up. He couldn't cause he had a band thing in American Fork so I let him take Corey's car down there. Joseph has two bands that he's in down there - Lyceum and Soundhouse, plus takes lessons down there too with Ray Smith. The auditions for the Soundhouse were last week, so they'll know what bands there are in with that soon, and once those weekly rehearsals start up again I think someone will be making that drive every week. Glad it won't be me. I'm gonna have the "I've got a nursing baby" excuse again, ha!

I was glad to have the van this morning, cause it meant that I didn't have the bluetooth MP3 hookup that is available in Corey's car. Every day that I've driven Ethan and Hyrum to school, Ethan over-rides my sync up and syncs up his phone and plays Les Mis. Now I really don't mind Les Mis in and of itself, it's just the EVERYDAY thing that's wearing me out. Although I guess that might also be their complaint with me... if I'm playing music, it's Imagine Dragons (my treadmill walk every morning is to Smoke+Mirrors) or Brandon Flower/the Killers. These past 2 weeks, the kids (mostly Ethan and Joseph) have been on a major Les Miserables kick. It's been a bit of a overload. Joseph is hoping that the high school will do Les Miserables for a musical this or next year, and if they do, watch out, he's going all in for the role of Marius. That's why he's got it blasting, he has to practice. He had a friend come over and couldn't hear us call to him in his room cause of the musical blaring on their stereo. "Turn off your rock and roll!!" Yes, having my teenagers addicted to Les Mis is better than probably 90% of the music that most teenage boys are playing, so I'll count my blessings. I can find ways to avoid it here at home, and I only have "one day more" to listen to it during morning carpool. Excited to have my better half back tomorrow! We're gonna make it