Monday, October 3, 2016

LDS Conference Weekend

We enjoyed listening to General Conference this weekend. 15+ hours of enlightenment. Every now and then I walked around passing out skittles to the kids that were listening and watching the broadcast. I was unnoticed by those who were not listening. Now Wesley and Lily were listening a little bit as they played with their food...
Playing with Risk soldiers, cavalry, and cannons - they were building trenches with the salted peanuts. Lily's fortress was made of cucumbers...
but when I asked Wes to share something he learned, he drew a blank and shrugged his shoulders with a "ok, I'm guilty" smile. And I know why, cause I've been there - it's hard to really listen and be present when you're playing something else (or loading the dishwasher in my case)

My note taking was probably the worst it's been, but my lap and my arms were otherwise occupied. I did listen to all of it. The talk that I think I was most in need of hearing and that I was thankfully in the zone for (listening-wise) was Elder Evan Schmutz's talk. Mostly I was listening thinking of my better half, who seems to be burdened with a load of care these days - a combination of a ton to do at work, lack of resources, and adding another kid to the mix probably has added to the burden. The stressful weight of it all manifested itself in a pulled muscle in Corey's back. He kinda hobbled around Saturday night and spent most of Sunday in bed. Another talk that I think we'll review was by President Russel M. Nelson. He talked about JOY ~ that we can be happy and find joy no matter our circumstances. "the joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives."
"When the focus of our lives is on Jesus Christ and His gospel, we can feel joy regardless of what is happening—or not happening—in our lives." Ok, I want to believe that, help thou my unbelief!

Joy seemed to be a common theme actually. I look forward to reviewing the talks - I really love General Conference, so many wonderful messages to help me make it through the next 6 months until the next spiritual feast.