Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving Day

Last night Corey headed up to Park City with a van full of kids. They received permission from me to go after they finished a list of jobs. Joseph and Melodie didn't finish their house work cause they were doing music and home work all day, so they stayed home with me and Daniel and Owen. They were nice to stay, I enjoyed having an extra pair of hands around. Joseph and Mel also appreciated how quiet and calm the house was ~ pretty weird just having 4 kids! Mel and I enjoyed staring at this little face:
Oh he is SO cute. 
One of the jobs to do yesterday was to find all their winter stuff - snow pants, gloves, hat, etc. I was responsible for finding all the gear for the little kids. Since Owen had all his gear, and since there was freshly fallen snow about, Mel really wanted to take Owen outside to see the winter wonderland ~
He didn't like it. 
But he looked so cute in his snow pants and boots!! Little toddler moon boots, so sweet. Well, luckily the roads were clear enough that the Park City group was able to come back for the feast prepared by my amazing sister and her husband, and my mom did a lot too. We all met at their church and the kids had plenty of room to run and play and crawl?... (I was laughing at Natalie)
Jared is like a full on professional caterer - food was amazing
I was ready to pass on turkey and just eat the shrimp dip - this is a must have recipe!! Make it for your upcoming Christmas parties - you'll be famous, I promise! Zesty Shrimp Spread - Jared added crab meat too, it was so good. (It's especially delicious with Ritz crackers!) Four banquet tables and there was enough room for everyone. Wes is pretending he is a poor boy who only got one blueberry for thanksgiving...
Visiting after the feast
Corey headed back up to Park City with kids tonight. They are going to go hot tubbing and enjoying time with cousins. We were all going to go but I needed to swing by home first to grab diapers for Owen and Daniel. Then the plan changed after we got home cause Owen and Natalie fell asleep in on the drive. Owen is a little under the weather anyway. Plus all I'd just be worthless up there with Daniel. But that left them with one extra kid still, so Melodie missed out again and stayed cause she is an angel. I'm going to try to finish sorting the clothes and get the front room cleaned up before they get back home tomorrow.