Monday, November 14, 2016

Toddler Bed

Natalie has been sleeping on our bedroom floor for a while now. The shag carpet is her bed. This past Friday night - Saturday morning, she got in bed with us and Corey had a horrible night's sleep. He woke up and said "I'm going to go buy Natalie a bed..." NO, I'll do it. When Corey has a problem, he admits that he tries to just throw money at it, aka buy whatever is necessary that will make it go away. But we have #toomanykids and thus can't throw money at all the problems that come up. Thus why I said I'd take care of it. Cause I'm a thrifty mom and bargain shopper. So I sent Corey back to bed and got on the classifieds. There were several white toddler beds. (I wanted white to go with the girls' room). I texted, they were available, I said I was available to come look right away, so I headed out to Herriman to buy a $25 bed and mattress, MUCH less expensive then had I let Corey go get one at the store! As I was driving there with Abi, the lady from South Jordan texted back - hers was $15 for a bed and mattress! So I pulled into a parking lot and asked if I could come get hers right away... if not, I'd just go get the one in Herriman. Texting back and forth and I was able to pick it up for $15 bucks, I felt like a champ and brought it home, washed it off, and presented the "surprise" to Natalie so that she'd feel it was really special and want to sleep in it. She and Sophi played in their beds all day, she went to bed in her bed that night, but woke up Sunday morning and found her on our floor (that's the picture from above). Doh, strike one. But she started the night in her bed, so that was good. Natalie is okay to sneak into our room, heck we still get Soph and Lily sneaking into our room at night too (if we forget to lock our door). This morning we had success though - I snapped this cute picture of Sophi and Natalie asleep in their beds... cute!
Natalie made it through the night! Hooray! Bedtime success!! Good job you cute kids, and way to go me for getting such a steal! I like being a thrifty bargain shopper, woot! :)