Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Hangin' with Hibberts

We had our Christmas get together with my family yesterday evening. We all met over at Jerusha's ward building to play games and visit. My mom brought pizza for dinner and we all had lots of left over goodies that we brought to share. We did a MJ dance off that was fun, I'll have to see who got pictures of that. Jersh brought a little magnetic hockey game called Klask that everyone had fun playing. There was also lots of Speed basketball - I got second once, then I got first, then I was the first one out. Daniel was held by Amy and Jersh when I played, so that was fun to be an active participant in the sports for a change. Corey wasn't - he was on Owen duty most of the time. Although he did get in on a round of Nerf tag. The kids used the pizza boxes as shields
Also, Neil's family got a hover board that was a big hit, everyone wanted to try. The kids caught on super fast. Corey and I not as fast, but we argued that if we had a few minutes uninterrupted and without any toddler or baby interfering, we would be able to figure it out too.
Then tonight the Siblings and spouses met up at my parents house at 7:30 pm. My sister Patrice was in town from Texas, so we had to seize the opportunity to get together again. Corey stayed home with the kids hoping to get some work done. Neil brought a card game called Rage to play that I do think was fun, even though during the game as I struggled to grasp the rules, I took over my dad's role of reluctant participant "So how long does this game go?" I think I got it by the last round. And then we stayed and talked until it was almost midnight. What time is it? Oh! 11:40! We should probably wrap this up..." It was fun to forget all our responsibilities for a while and visit.

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