Friday, December 2, 2016

Tucking in Toys

The concept of a toddler bed hasn't really taken hold yet with Natalie. She's still sleeping on our floor most nights. At times I do consider buying those soft looking pet beds at Costco... I bet they'd be a big hit. Plus it would be nice to free up the bedroom space of the of the furniture if it's not being used. Oh well, we tried. So here is cute Natalie tucking herself in on or floor a few nights ago. Lily, Sophi and Natalie had all been playing with their Beanie Boos that day and it was cute to see them all tuck in their toys to bed. I just love seeing Natalie play with her blue leopard. It makes me pretend she'll stay little for a while longer. Here she is trying to get the blanket just right...
There! Ready for bed! ...Though little Miss Natalie looks wide awake to me...
We tolerate her on the floor cause she stays put and is quiet. Keep it up and you can stay, but once you try sleeping in bed with us, out you go! It's nothing personal, and we do love you, but we want to try and pretend that we have atleast one space in this house that is kid free. 
Sweet dreams