Monday, January 9, 2017

Happy B-day Joseph

Happy Birthday Joseph - 17 years old. How does it feel?

Taking a birthday picture last year was an easy enough tradition... should I keep it up again for another year? Maybe do another tradition? I guess I could do more than one. But I didn't take a nice picture yet, it was a regular busy school day. But here he is eating dinner. I let him choose what we had. That can be an easy enough new tradition - birthday kid gets to make a dinner request. Joseph asked for french toast or puffy pancakes. I was a little behind when dinner time came around, so we did the french toast. It's faster. We topped it with whipped cream and blueberries.
Nothing like a healthy dinner before having cake and ice cream for dessert.
He's getting older, birthdays have lost a bit of the magic, which I kinda feel is my fault. So he didn't get any presents yet from me and Corey. Sorry Joseph. But I did pay his latest school parking ticket, does that count for something? I had told him over the weekend that he needed to pay this one, then I decided to pay it today sent a text saying "happy birthday!" Yay!

I do have plans to take him shopping to get something - shoes or some tech gadget, whatever he'd like. Also, this year we'll take kids out to eat with us on Date night the week of their birthday... so that will be on Friday, we're making his birthday last longer! You're welcome Joseph. Love this young man, he's a good leader of the pack.

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