Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Ice Skating

The youth group for our church went skating tonight. Corey and Joseph had a little hope that it would have been cold enough for their ice rink to host the party, but it's been so warm lately that the ice wouldn't have worked. I hope they get another night to skate at all! So, no homemade ice rink - they all went to the Gallivan Center instead.
Abi and Wes aren't old enough to be in the youth group, but Corey likes to milk each opportunity for as much kid time as possible, so they both went along. 
There were other young kids too, the teenagers don't mind. 
Corey spent most of the day in Park City with Natalie and Sophi but got home in time for skating. He and his two little girls stayed there over night last night.
He booked a week up there for a friend and MM investor from Brazil who was in town. His friend left on Sunday and so we had the rest of the week to use it if we wanted. Corey and I and the 4 little ones went up yesterday and spent the afternoon, I left a little after 3 with Owen and Daniel to try and get home for Owen to take a nap and to get home for the kids.

They beat me home, but I was glad to see that Abi and Lily were not locked out like poor Hyrum. The keyless garage opener we just got installed last week worked - they remembered the code, success! Thanks for taking the licking for us all, Hyrum, now we're prepared.

So today Corey came back down. He and Natalie and Sophi had a fun time, doing the usual Park City stuff, like trashing the hotel room... (Natalie, stop sprinkling salt on the table!!)
...watching tv...
...playing in tub...
Corey kinda got snowed in up there, mostly cause the car he was driving was wussy. So his Brazil investor friend... we're buying his daughter's car. She was up here for school at BYU Idaho, but it heading back to Brazil now. We've been storing her car for her for a few months, it fits in the garage, is a clutch, good little car. So one reason we went up there yesterday was so that we could have an extra driver to get the car. Yesterday I headed back in the van, Corey brought the new little sedan tonight. There was a tiny bit of snow starting to fall when he left the hotel, so they stopped for lunch and waited out the storm at McD's.
After the flurries had passed, and they were ready to head home, they got stuck in the McDonald's parking lot. He said it was pretty lame. We had gotten a ton of snow on the day Corey delivered the car to them when they got in town - they used it while they were here - but Corey got stuck 4 times trying to get it down the street - it's just such a lite car, it couldn't get any grip. A neighbor who was snow blowing that day came and cleared the road for him 3 times. Then it got stuck today in one dinky little layer of snow. He said two burley men who both were driving trucks came over to help rescue him and get his pathetic car out of their way - all they had to do was gently push it with their fingertips. Funny.

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