Tuesday, January 31, 2017

New Bop

I haven't had to take the kids to band in American Fork very much the past year, thank you mostly to Joseph being able to drive himself down there 3 times a week, which are also the days Hyrum and Ethan have band. I take Ethan down for his lesson with Ray on Thursdays and the past few Mondays I have been helping out with taking Wes to New Bop too. It's nice cause it gives me a good chance to go to Costco. I take Owen and Daniel so Corey can get work done and it's great cause the Lehi Costco isn't as crazy busy as the ones here in the valley close to us.

So, Wesley is playing the trumpet in New Bop. Can you tell which one is him?
(hint - he's not really visible in the picture above!) Yes, that's right, Wes is the little kid in a purple shirt hidden behind his music stand. Cute little 6th grader. Not sure what grade those other kids are, but New Bop is for kids in 6th - 9th. That picture is another one from Corey's phone that I thought I posted a few months ago. :)

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