Saturday, February 18, 2017

Balboa and Temple

Today we got up a little earlier than yesterday. The storm from last night had passed but it was still slightly overcast and sprinkling. I strapped Daniel on and we walked to Balboa park.
We went into a museum and walked through the Desert gardens. I didn't bring pants for Daniel on the trip so his legs were a little cold - it was still a breezy day. So we didn't spend too long and Corey wrapped Daniel in his sweatshirt and carried the sleeping baby on the walk home. Then we took an Uber to the San Diego temple. I did a session while Corey watched Daniel. (thank you sweetheart!) I hadn't been in the celestial room before - gorgeous!
I hadn't noticed them before in the pictures, but what struck me most in person were the long beams pointing down everywhere - like giant white and gold icicles. I had to keep asking for directions wherever I went, I was so turned around in there! But it was great. Then back to the hotel for some late dinner - a repeat of the flatbread that we ordered last night for Flatbread Friday ($3 bucks off yesterday) and tonight Corey ordered some amazing tacos from the Shake restaurant here in the hotel! So good. We spent quite a bit on room service for our food this trip, which was a fun thing to do. Good big breakfasts and good dinner. Our flight leaves here tomorrow at 7:15 am. So we've got an Uber scheduled to come at 5:20, bright and early. Actually dark and early. Huge thank you to Corey's parents for taking care of the kids for us again (hope Owen did okay!) We'll see tomorrow, back to life.

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