Thursday, February 16, 2017

In San Diego

Corey arranged for a little anniversary trip for us this weekend. So we are in San Diego right now. He flew here from Brazil and I flew in with Daniel from Salt Lake.
Daniel, the angel, was of course absolutely perfect on the plane. Since Corey wasn't with us, Daniel got to use his seat!
Ha, just kidding. I just him there for a photo. The lady across the isle from him laughed and said "yeah, that looks legit". She was smiling at him the whole time, he's so stinkin' cute! After we landed and as we waited to get off the plane, there was a little boy on the row in front of us (probably about 6  years old) who turned around and was delighted to see a "cute baby". His mom stood up and turned around too, and Daniel just starts smiling and laughing out loud at them, it was so cute, everyone who heard his little giggling turned and was smiling. I sure love this little guy.

Corey was there waiting at the airport and we met at the baggage claim and then took an Uber to the hotel. We took lots of Ubers. I fed Daniel and then we walked to downtown...
and enjoyed dinner at an Indian restaurant. 
It was not as good as India House, which is our go to for awesome curry and Peshwari Naan, but it was okay, and the Bollywood Movie that was playing on the screen behind Corey kept making me laugh, it was so funny even though I think they were trying to make a serious drama movie. I don't know what it was called, but I know this guy Shah Rukh Khan was one of the main characters. Ok, I just wasted like 45 minutes and found it. ...all the pictures started to look the same to me but I do recognize the two guys in minute 1:30 at the trailer here. (and the stupid fights scenes at 1:30 here, I mean can you imagine being at a party or something and people start busting out fighting like that?! I mean WOW!)- so yeah, I think the movie was Dilwale. or one of them in that series (since there appears to have been several of them)... Glad to know it was an "Action/Comedy/Crime" movie and that they were probably trying to be silly/stupid in it, cause it was pretty dumb from what I could tell. Not that I really understood culturally what was going on by only reading the subtitles. Ok - sorry for that tangent, I just had to know what the name of that dumb movie it was.

I don't know what our plans are for tomorrow, we'll see where the weekend takes us. :)

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