Saturday, March 4, 2017

Baby Bonk

Today Mel took Daniel into the kids' bathroom, cause he likes to check himself out in the mirror. But Mel is a little camera shy and didn't want to be in the shot... (DANIEL IS SO CUTE!!!)
So she stood close by but also tried to be out of the picture. Little D is sitting up better but still a little rolly polly on bottom. And he rolled back a few times and Mel caught him and caught him again (but she was making me nervous) until he rolled forward instead of back, and that was when Daniel got his first taste of the pain and suffering that comes from living in a fallen world.

Honestly Daniel, you barely bonked. I know you felt like you were skydiving and coming to the earth fast, but you were on a solid surface the whole time and your head only went about a foot down in height. But boy, that sobered him up good. He seemed to very much enjoy the comfort and attention that came to him after receiving such a big dose of hardship. It reminded me of something Ethan said to me once when he was a kid. He was sick and I was taking care of him, and he said "I like to be sick." "Why do you like to be sick?" I wondered. His reply: "Cause then you are nice to me." Ouch. Thus came another note to self that I needed to do better as a mother to my little Ethan. Daniel has lots of mothers. I think I'm his favorite, but he sure seemed to enjoy cuddling up to Mel after bonking his head.
He kept looking back at Joseph, which made us laugh -

I don't know if Joseph was just standing there or if he was making faces or doing something to get his attention, but I loved his little smiles and glances out of the corner of his eyes...
This little boy is just a joy and I'm so happy he is part of our forever family. He makes us laugh and smile and squeel everyday. We love you Daniel!

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