Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Bike to School

Wes and his friend Christopher are enjoying the nice weather. They've biked to school together a few times, on the days that Wesley doesn't have band and doesn't have to bring his trumpet. I was a little nervous about them crossing the busy street. So I went out for a morning jog and was on my way back when they were leaving. I told him to strike a pose~
Then I ran down the street with them and make sure they made it across allright. Wes was laughing as he saw me running with all my might in effort to keep up with him as he pedaled lightly on his bike. Yes, it is fun being the fast one. I like it when the kids ask to walk home from church and get out of the car, and then want to race, and I don't put the gas on at all, just put it in drive and the car is able to beat them. So Wes, I know how you feel. I'm okay that you're faster than me. When he got home after school, he sat down in a pant with a red face, as he said "I didn't quite realize when I biked to school that I'd have to bike back home!" The hill goes down on the way to, but it's a BiG uphill on the way back. Fun kid, I like Wes

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