Saturday, March 25, 2017

Pocket Squares

Last night, as the final event for Ethan's birthday, he came to dinner with Corey and I on our date night. We treated Ethan to a special dinner at the Roof Restaurant. Here we are after the meal -
We've decided we will take each child to eat at the Roof one time before they leave our family for their life in the big bad world. Tonight was Ethan's turn. It was a feast. He says he feels bad that he ever liked McDonald's. It's okay Eth, we need to know the simple to know and appreciate the extravagant. Opposition teaches us that there is differences between ok, good, better, and best. Tonight was the best meal. We dressed up. Corey even donned a pocket square! But let it be known it was actually a checkered Stance sock.
The "pocket square" was inspired by a video Joseph and Corey watched last night. Joseph came home from hanging with friends, he shared the lastest Lyceum video with Corey (see Joseph at 3:28!). Followed in the playlist by another Lyceum video starring Gentri. Followed by another video featuring Gentri talking about the amazing pocket square, which Corey found fascinating! So fascinating, in fact, that they stayed up past 1 a.m. watching and learning and having their eyes opened to this new world of men fashion. Tonight, since we were going some place fancy, he wanted to play along. But at the same time, since he honestly doesn't care, he had to do it in a sarcastic way... thus he carefully put one of his black and white checkered socks in his pocket, making sure it had a nice triangle like folded tip pointing out. It was funny. Ethan was embarrassed but was also laughing, telling Corey he should be ashamed and someone is surely going to notice that it's actually a sock. "I'm wearing a sock to prove that I don't care...." We joked that Corey was brilliant cause his pocket square could double as a place to stash desserts before we headed out. After we left and were driving home, I looked up the video on Corey's phone so I could learn from the masters. Check out the background music at 1:30...

Corey said after pointing out the music "Can you hear the momentum building?!" and we hung on in suspense for the big climax at 1:40 when the square goes in the pocket! Hear those trumpets sound! That is the moment, that is what it's all about!! We were laughing. Oh, fashion! I laugh at it as I am wearing my black t-shirt and green skirt that have been my go-to formal attire for the past 6 years... I probably should become more fashion aware... (But one more note that might prove these kind of things do not matter: I don't see these men wearing any pocket squares!)

So, then we drove past a very interestingly dressed guy crossing the street wearing bright leggings and other current fashion trends. His ensemble was impressive. I said "Corey, if you really don't care about what you wear you'd put on an outfit like that!" Corey's quick reply "But that guy DOES care... He just cares about the wrong things..." which had Ethan and I laughing again. Corey is so funny, I love his whit. On our date nights I try to remember to bring along a paper and pencil so I can write down all the funny things he says that make me laugh. Love him. And I'll probably get him some real pocket squares for Father's day or his birthday just for fun.

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