Thursday, March 2, 2017

Skyline Campaign

Joseph is running for Student Body Office at Skyline. They have President and Vice President run as a team, so he and a girl named Xani made plans to run together. She's going for Pres, Joseph VP. Joseph had the idea to use La La Land as their theme, which was brilliant. He's got a really good idea for the video if they make it past primaries. Here are some of their posters:
Joseph is so busy, but made time to work on these and get them done for tomorrow. They have to turn them in to be approved. Then they will put them up on Monday morning.

Updated - Mon 3/6 - Joseph texted these to me. Today is late start, but he got there early to put them up. He thought he was super early, but when he got there, some of their competition's parents were there ready with ladders and tape on the wall, making sure their kids got the prime poster spot, even before they got their posters back. Neither Xani or Joseph had their parents there helping, sorry Joseph!
I have confidence you can make it without much help from us though, cause your creativity thought of Skyline Land, you've got a great shot, good luck buddy! The Primary elections are in two weeks, and then if they make it past that, they do a video and get a few more posters. 
Go Joseph and Xani!

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