Monday, March 20, 2017

WAMA Dance

The WAMA dance was this past Friday. WAMA stands for Women's Association/Men's Association. But I think the Men's association is in charge of putting it on. I didn't know much about this dance, other than he went to it. As I was here beginning to type this and he was downstairs, I knew I could just go ask him, but it was easier to send him an email and wait for his reply. #parenthoodinthe21stcentury. Hence, to quote from Joseph's email: the theme was wamawood which is like hollywood except wama. So basically movies and were were an old western movie."
"My dates name was Sophia Hadley. And idk what else you could document. We took the pictures at Wheeler farm, ate at Pizza Studio, then went to the dance, then bowling at Olympus Hills after and after that ice cream at someones house." Here is his group picture ~
 Joseph is a good kid and I'm glad he's got good friends.

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