Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Healthy Habits Challenge

Corey it out of town again, he left Sunday. He'll be gone for a week and scheduled to return next Monday. Usually I turn to sugar to help me cope. But not this time around! Yesterday I started a healthy habits challenge instead, go me! It is the brilliant idea of Anne, the mother of a great big fun and fabulous family that was in our ward when we lived in Virginia. It is great, and I'm thinking I might try something similar with the kids here at home (starting my summer vacation plan of attack!) I thought I'd share how it works here in case anyone wants to join the group or just do it on your own. Hyrum and I are doing it together separately from the facebook group with a few more categories we added. Anyway, here's the how to of the points from the post she shared:
Alright ladies here is how the points will work.
1 point for every cup of water you drink. (8 oz)
1 point for every fruit or veggie serving you eat.
1 point for every 10 minutes of exercise you do.
2 points if you don't eat after 7pm
1 point if you don't eat after 8pm (it's one or the other or no points if you eat after 8)
-1 points for any serving of soda, junk food or treat.
You can also choose two more personal goals to earn a point each day. It can be for health or any other purpose. For example, flossing, scripture study, journal writing, organizing or anything else you want to work on. You can earn 1 point each day for these two extras. (A total of 2 points a day)
We will check in each morning and you can report your daily total. But, at the end of the week, choose your six best days and total those up for your weekly score. That means you can have a free day, but you don't have to decide which day that will be until the week is over.
Each Monday morning we will also have a weigh in and you can report the percentage of weight loss you have achieved.
Any questions?
I'm excited!! Anytime during the next two months send me in the $10 and we will have some cash prizes in the end.
Good luck everyone!

So, yesterday was a great day. I started keeping track of my points on Saturday and Sunday in preparation. And had to minus -7 on Saturday from my total for when I finished off my stash of Red Button Trimple Chocolate Ice cream (ok, and my stash of Strawberry White chocolate. I had two stashes that I bought while Corey and kids were gone in Las Vegas! AND I hardly shared any of it!! (I had to a few times when the kids caught me, and I gave Corey a bowl) Kinda sad, what a naughty mother I am! But ya gotta do what you can to cope sometimes, even if it is pathetic...) So Saturday's total was 16. I tried to redeem my ice cream binge with a 5 mile jog that night when the boys were gone at Priesthood session. That was an hour long and got me 6 points. Then on Sunday I got 11, I had to -5 pts that day for having more than my fair share of cookies that Mel and Abi baked between Conference. So, I was ready to be on the ball yesterday cause I didn't like having to minus those points. It helped, as evidenced by my not even feeling tempted to buy my weekly Almond Joy at the checkout after my errands yesterday! I got 27 points:

  • +12 water
  • +6 big breakfast salad with 7 veggie servings
  • +1 fruit
  • +2 dinner veggies
  • +2 exercise
  • +2 no food after 7pm
  • +2 for personal goals (vocal prayer and gospel study)

Yay, I'll take this help for as long as it last me!


  1. I don't drink water from cups. It might sound weird but I fill up a 2 litre bottle. That way I don't need to count how many cups I have drank.
