Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Sleepy Kids

We're working on new sleeping arrangements for ourselves and the kids. This past Sunday before I got Owen out of bed to get ready, I snapped a picture of him with his Dad. (...and do you see another little profile in the bed there? so cute!)
So Owen has been waking up at night the past while and will cry and cry and CRY and scream bloody murder at the top of his lungs until we get him out, which led to this pic when Corey got him early Sunday morning. Now Corey's baby boy trapped!
Owen will fall back to sleep in our bed or on the floor if we lay there with him. I lay on the floor with him last night. When he first woke up I was nursing Daniel so I couldn't get him, and then he started screaming sooo loud I was worried Daniel would wake up. I finally got away from D to help O, but I was worried Daniel would wake up and start moving around - he's become a real mover this past week, so I have to try to keep him fenced in on the bed with pillows and blankets guarding the edge or he'll fall off. That just happened once this week, but I'm still not good at remembering to guard him in there, he had two very close calls yesterday! Not sure if I'll just move onto the floor with him or if we should get another crib or something...

And here's a few more pictures of sleeping people. So, the toddler bed thing wasn't working for Natalie or Sophi so we recently put those away in the basement storage. Sophi doesn't seem to have a place to call home. She'll rotate sleeping on the floor in Hyrum and Wesley's room to Joseph and Eth's room. In Hy and Wes' room last Wednesday:
With the toddler beds gone, that space is a new space for imaginative play. Last the girls they made a "club" in their room in the area where their toddler beds use to be. They've got their clothes hung up above them for today. Cute.
Oh sure, NOW you sleep in your room! Now that the bed's are gone, now you'll sleep. So funny. I bet pet beds would be used more if I got those for the kids.

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