Thursday, June 15, 2017

Angel Friends

Corey's gone in Boston this week. So he's missing us celebrating his birthday with him today, so sad! The kids are sad we're not having cake and ice cream today, but we'll get more than enough treats next weekend as we celebrate Lily and Wes. I'm sure Corey and Joseph are having a great time in Boston, so we tried not to be sad. What could we do that would be of service to him and help him be happy when he gets back home? Well we all know the answer to that! Let's go and get this house in order! Hey, this is what I wanted for my birthday! yay, better late than never! Actually Corey's birthday started off with Wes and I getting up shortly after 5 am to go on a hike, it was great, will post about that tomorrow. But today was a great cleaning day, mostly because of an angel friend who came over with her three sweet girls and helped us clean and do yard work for 3 hours! Jen, you're the best!
Yesterday, after taking Melodie downtown to a GMS rehearsal, I called Jen just to chat as I drove on the freeway past the exit to their house. As we visited, I shared some of my "How do I get on top of my life" questions and she offered to come help us clean today as a birthday gift from all of us to Corey. True friends are the ones this would drop everything and come help you clean. I probably have more friends like than her that I realize, I need to be brave enough to ask for help. So yeah, Jen is the best of the best. She is so happy and fun and just an inspiration to be around. I want to be like her. She was cheering for the kids as they weeded, shouting out praises to the kids that kept working even though they were hot, and just encourages everyone in the best way. I need to figure out how to do that! So with Jen here, a miracle was worked upon the house and everyone was happily helping and cleaning. We finished around 1 and they had to take off. My kids took a break cleaning, but were back on it again later. We're going to try and keep it clean all day tomorrow until Corey gets back around 11 pm. Happy Birthday Corey. (You and Joseph still need to send me some pictures!)

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