Monday, June 5, 2017

Family Pictures 2017

I got the link to our family photos this morning, yay!! All my ducklings in a row...
I'm still going through them, but here are my favorite individual shots so far...

Joseph - 
 Melodie -
 Ethan -
 Hyrum -
 Wesley - 
 Abigail - 
 Lilian -
 Sophia - 
 Natalie -
Owen - 
And last but not least, everyone's favorite person - DANIEL! 
And today was a really big day for him cause this little guy started crawling today!
We were all very excited. For Owen, the key to crawling success was Blokus pieces. For Daniel, it was the bright colors of the LED night light.

He is so cute, he's growing up! (noooo!!)

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