Thursday, June 8, 2017

Forks Over Knives

So... Corey has been in Seattle this week. During his lunch break with other consultants, they shared a little bit about diet, and one of the guys there is a vegetarian. Corey asked him for some resources and he was told about the Netflix movie "Forks Over Knives". That was already on my list to watch because it was recommended in the Word of Wisdom Book. So I decided to watch it today and we did and I'm sold.
I really really liked it. We are going Vegan all the way. Well, I am. And I think this video can/will persuade the rest of my household. I'm sold on it though. So no more milk for us, no more eggs, butter, or cheese! Ethan's gonna struggle with that last one. I'm excited for my next Costco trip, it's gonna be a whole new experience! No 8 gallons of milk! What are we going to eat? Well I'm sure we are about to start an adventure of discovering food that we didn't even know existed before. I'm going to go down isles of Costco and buy things that have never caught my attention before! And I'll be totally avoiding other regular corners of the store - no daily section, no cheeses, no frozen dinner entrees. I'm sure they'll kinda miss the orange chicken, cause that was a staple, but this will be fun to discover new staples. And the bonus with feeding my kids this way: It's food that I like too! We're all going to enjoy these meals together and there is no guilt that comes with any of it. It's all good food. I'm looking forward to having a healthy relationship with cooking, food, and our family's diet! It's about time.

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