Saturday, June 3, 2017


This morning Wesley, Abi, and Lily went to a little Art Camp at our new friend Gus' house. He lives close by and teaches pottery. His neighbor Ashley told us about it, and she was having her boys go to it. It was for kids 8-12. So I signed up my three kiddos. They had a fun time. I didn't get a picture of their creations. Gus is going to put them in the kiln and they'll be ready for us to pick up next week. When I went to get the kids, they were all at Ashley's house playing video games as they waited. Ashley then asked us if we wanted a water table. Her kids didn't use it anymore and they were going to donate it. I said sure. And these two kids were glad I said sure, cause they had a fun time getting wet this afternoon!
Natalie started the soaking activity by pouring water on Owen. He usually cries about stuff like this, but surprise surprise, he laughed instead!
And thus the new game of "Let's get each other wet!" was born.

They got pretty soaked, but it was a great activity for a summer afternoon. I think this table will be a great thing to have around this summer. Thanks Ashley!

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