Monday, July 3, 2017

Stitches and a Summer Party

Some of our dear friends from high school and college came over tonight. Jeff and Amber Dahl from Oregon were in Utah for a reunion and stopped by to say hi with their cute kids. It was a party! But before that fun started, we had to take a quick trip to the emergency room.  We were cleaning up the house and trying to get when Sophi and Natalie were running around playing and Soph decided it would be a good time to slip on a small hand towel that had been left on the kitchen floor. Said fall caused her to hit her head and the blood came flowing out... I called Corey, he left work and met me at the ER but then I thought the Urgent care would be less expensive, so we got back in the cars and followed each other there. Got out, went in, started to look over paperwork...
and then we were told our insurance won't cover things there, ugh, so back in the car -
I left Sophi with Corey and he took her to the Instacare and I went back home...
A few of the picture Corey took there -

An hour and six stitches later and they were back home and Sophi was as good as new.
I had dinner ready and I think I had plenty of food. When we arranged this get together I gave them a heads up that we've gone whole food plant based, but Corey's not used to it yet and felt that they'd be expecting more, so he ran to the store and got more. He got steak and grilled up the meat, despite my request that we do a whole food thing. I'll let it slide, I guess, and say we're still in transition. Corey teased and said he's just a social drinker/meat-eater. I'm not tempted by meat, I've given it up. But I did have some of the Red Button Cotton Candy ice cream.
I was surprised by how good it was, but given that it was cotton candy flavor, my expectations weren't all that high. Jeff's parent's joined us.
Natalie felt like the star of the show here ~

All the kids had a turn singing or playing some music.
We ate, we played, and the kids performed.
We had karaoke and dancing and it was just good clean family fun. Then we figured we had been blasting music for long enough and we headed inside, where it was more videos and singing -

It was the funniest thing - we had the Moana videos playing on the screen, but had the Karaoke hooked up so it was Sophi's voice for "You're Welcome" - she sang it really well and it was so hilarious! Then we were crying with laughter again as Natalie sang "Shiny" and we had the picture up on the big screen in front of us of the mean old bad crab singing in Natalie's adorable 3 year old voice, it was so funny.
We've got to try and do a repeat someday and get a video of it, it was seriously the best. I think it was the highlight of the evening for me.
Good times, it was such a fun evening, it's great to be with good friends and our family. The bishop of our ward said something yesterday at church that I really liked - "It's hard to raise parents. We're grateful for our children who bear with us." Melodie's little accident this past Friday, that is an experience to help raise me into a good parent. My friends who buried their little boy five days ago? That is to help raise them into good parents. Parents who will be ready for anything that eternity can throw at them. This life is just a trial run, letting us prove what we're made of, so that we can be trusted with all that the Father has in the world to come. So yeah, I really loved that thought. I'm not raising my children into parents, they are the delightful way that God is using to raise me into a Heavenly Parent in some eon in the future. Pretty cool to think about it - being like our Father in Heaven - creating life and teaching our children and enjoying each other's company- that is what it's about.

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