Thursday, July 13, 2017

Sick Summer Day

I've had some free time with Corey gone. He's in Seattle this week. He left early Monday and gets home tomorrow night. I don't keep up with things when he's around, but I try. When he's out of town, I don't have to try, wee! So today, instead of cleaning, I went to the temple for the 2:00 session. It was great to not have to go early in the morning, cause when I do I always struggle to stay awake. He'll be back tomorrow, so we're gonna kick it in gear and start cleaning up soon.

Daniel is a little sick with a snotty nose and a swollen eye. He'll wipe his nose with his fist and thus rub all the boogers up into his eye, hence spreading the infection. It looks bad, but he hasn't had a fever and is acting fine. We'll keep an eye on you, little guy!
Nothing else going on. Ethan, Hyrum and Wes are gone on tour, the house seems quiet with three kids gone. Every now and then Abi or Lily will ask "Where is everyone?!?" Kinda funny how different it seems, though it also seems like with 8 more still here it

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