Sunday, August 13, 2017

Belated Birthday for Hyrum

Yesterday was Hyrum's Happy Birthday. We celebrated with him today. Who is excited to have cake and ice cream for lunch? Yay. Hyrum has become a healthy eater, but we let it slide a bit for birthdays.
Hyrum wasn't home for most of his birthday, cause he was gone on High Adventure. (Will post on that tomorrow). Since Hyrum is a major home-body, being gone for most of this birthday didn't make him too excited. He was actually quite reluctant, but we pushed him to go and he says it was okay and he had a good enough time. They came home late last night and gave us the report of all the adventuring they did. Lots of boating and hiking, they said it was beautiful and that I would have loved it. I'm sure I would have, and maybe in another life I will be able to do things like that! Joseph showed us his bad tan/burn line.
We're glad they are home safe. For his birthday, Hyrum got a "Big Joe" chair from me, the Super Smash Brothers Wii game from Corey, and some $$ from my parents and Coreys. Love you Hyrum, happy completion of 14 years!

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