Friday, August 4, 2017

Pool Videos

We are staying home today. The kids up in Park City are using their all day passes today, so they are busy and having fun and doing big kid stuff, so it's good for me and the little kids to be here. Hopefully they'll take some pictures for me to share. Last night when I headed back home, I brought Sophi and Natalie with me. So I've got 4 kiddos. We cleaned in the basement. Daniel found a floatie and put it on himself and he was crawling around with it around his waist.
We laughed that he was wishing he was back up in PC swimming! Ok, little guy, we'll let you go swimming. Does the tub work? (Daniel likes baths, he's a little splasher)
We went by Walmart for some chocolate, which was my bribe to get them to come with me. We also ordered Sophi some glasses, hers were pretty scratched up and she needs new ones before school starts. She's excited for kindergarten. Tomorrow we'll head back up and help everyone pack before we come back home. They've had a good week and it's been a good week for me too. Here are two videos from our pool time yesterday. I thought this video was fun, wait for Ethan to show you his "magic trick"...

And also them playing in the pool with Daniel and the big beach ball. Well, big for Daniel, who seemed to be wishing he could take a bite of it!

I joined them in the pool yesterday. I was waiting for a swimsuit tankini I ordered online from Rosewe to come. I even expedited the shipping so it'd get here in time. It looked so cute in the picture!
Thankfully it came yesterday, just in time for a few days of swimming fun. I immediately opened it up and I put it on. It was a major fail. It was so bad, I just shook my head. I guess I hadn't noticed the deep armpit holes, and apparently I didn't notice the model has a super small frame or something.... I don't know what kind of body type they made that swimsuit for, but it was not mine. Some one who doesn't have shoulders. I won't even say broad shoulders cause I don't think mine are broad. I might update this post at some later date with the photo, just for posterity's sake, cause I did take a picture of how horrible it looked on me. But I'm too ashamed to post it unless I think this post is old and no one will see. So check back I guess if you want, maybe the picture will be here of me in all my smh glory.

(Insert pic, ha!)

I emailed the company right away to ask how to return it for a refund. The lady emailed back today, broken English, it shipped from China, they offered a 50% refund and I can just keep it. I had Mel try it on too and it doesn't work for her either, but if I take it in a little in the shoulder straps it could, so maybe we'll see if we can adjust it. So yesterday we went swimming. I just wore my old old swimsuit that really needs to be thrown away, I wore it one last time, then I threw it away. So now I have to get a swimsuit for next year or just not go swimming. But like I have time to into a bunch of different stores and grab a lot of different suits to find one that fits! Ugh, no time to go try things on! But now I also know I can't trust things I order online to work either, cause that tankini looked totally like a safe bet and it was a fail. So what's a woman to do. Oh well, hopefully with a full 52 weeks ahead of me I'll be able to figure it out before Park City next year.

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