Sunday, September 24, 2017

Cute Jacket and a Sad Haircut

As always, church was wonderful today. I always look forward to fast and testimony meeting and today was another meeting that didn't disappoint. I am always glad when Corey shares his testimony like he did today. He's such a good story teller, he's pretty much amazing, though I admit to being biased. Daniel was looking awesome today in this little jacket - this amazing piece of stylish retro is straight out of the 70s~
It's a jacket that Corey's mother gave me recently, one of her favorites, that Corey wore when he was a wee toddler.
Dressed up on top - but didn't worry about the bottom! Yeah, I need to get Daniel some shoes probably. He was able to pull it off though.
Daniel and Owen used up all my patience and we all got worn out during the 3rd hour. I knew he was tired and he fell asleep on the 2 minute drive home. About a half hour after being in the house, Natalie was sitting at the table ready for lunch when Abi noticed something different about her. "Natalie! Did you cut your hair?" I turned around from washing dishes at the kitchen sink. Uh boy, that is noticeable. I inspect it further. This one is gonna need me to clean it up. She totally hacked of her hair on the left side. Why did you cut your hair?! "I didn't cut my hair!" She denied it, and now tonight we still haven't found the pile of it, but Natalie started to point fingers. "Lily did it!" Lily, did you cut Natalie's hair? NO! I've been in the front room playing with Sophi the whole time! Ok, you have a witness, you're innocent. Natalie... "It was Ethan!" Nice try, Ethan is not home. Why did you cut your hair?! We loved your hair! She's always had such pretty curls (scroll down at that link after Ethan's goofy pictures)! She still had that pretty natural curl and when I try to style it at all it just messes up her part and looks weird. So I don't do it, I comb it in the tub and then we rinse it off and let her part go where it wasn't to be and she's perfect. But now, what are we going to do?!? Oh Natalie, why did you cut your hair? Her final attempt to free herself from guilt - "I think it was Sister Harding..." Yeah, nice try! Silly girl. Natalie wanted to just take a bath and wash it, perhaps thinking that would wash away the problem. She was getting sad with how remorseful we were about this tragedy. I insisted we had to cut all of it now. "No!!" I tried to see if it would work if I pulled up both if the sides for the next year... no, that won't work. Natalie, I'm sorry! We have to even this out, just don't cut you hair next time.
She didn't like it at first, Abi took a video as I worked with the scissors.
Then we curled it under. "I don't like it..."
We all gave her hugs and she calmed down as she played the "cupcake" game with Mel on the computer (aka Mel's favorite math game from her youth - Papa's Cupcakeria). Thankfully it's not as bad as Sophi's kid cut was (that was really was Lily's fault!) or as short as Lily's self hair cut. Within an hour of the tragedy, Natalie's emotions had subsided and she was dancing in the front room, twirling in circles and quickly flinging her head around, feeling her hair whip across her face. And happy to say she's smiling again. It's fun to have a change and I think she'll enjoy the freedom that short hair brings.

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