Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Crazy Hair

Today is the day that every elementary student looks forward too all year - Crazy Hair Day! Yay. So I didn't get in my morning exercise cause I was helping these girls figure out what they could do. Abi is sporting an autumn crazy hair look -
And Lily wanted a stuffed animal in her hair. So we put her Beanie Boo chihuahua, whose name is Any-Color-Rainbow, to her head and tied it on with her hair and lots of bobby pins. 
Good enough, another year of Crazy Hair Day done and we'll call it a success. yay
Daniel fell asleep in the tv chair today, this time with Natalie. 
I know I've probably taken enough pictures of him asleep and awake in this chair, but he's just so darn cute. Thank you, tv chair, for helping me get laundry folded and blogs posted. I'll try to not use you as my default as often as I do.
I had a ton of WINs in my courage challenge today - had a green smoothie, I cleaned the toilets again! just like last Tuesday morning (cause it's Toilet Tuesday!), I called Nicole, worked in the basement, raked leaves, worked on family finances, finished a book (The Book of Mormon in America's Heartland... not sure I think it was in the US but still an interesting book) Did laundry, went to the ENT Dr. for my mucus problem that I've had for the past 2 months, and as I walked out I vowed I'm never going to a doctor again, I felt stupid, might be in my head but still.... Lessons learned: exercise in the morning or it won't happen, don't eat ice cream. 

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