Thursday, October 26, 2017

The End

It's the end of the term for the older kids today. They've all be staying after school this week, taking re-tests and making up work, trying to get their grades up a little bit. They've been working hard, but it would be better to stay on top of it from the beginning of the term rather than trying to catch up the last week of the term. Good luck kids, they are thankful to not have school tomorrow. Here at home this morning, Daniel was super cute as he threw his bottle over and over again. It would bounce off the floor and then he'd pick it up and throw it again.
It was super cute. I love my baby.

And in other news, word yesterday from the business front is a feeling that they are 90% sure the deal is going to fall through. So kind of feels again like we're at the end of the road. I've been crying today, pretty tearful and fearful. Trying to not let my doubts and worries get the best of me. I've been listening to the Piano Guys "It's Gonna Be Okay". And "Master the Tempest is Raging". Carest thou not that we perish? Torrents of sin and anguish sweep o'er my sinking soul. And we perish we perish dear master, oh hasten and take control. This terror and worry will pass. Please help us Heavenly Father. What will happen, how will it end?!?! Ahh! The worrying and the wondering have gotten me pretty low tonight. So that is my stress and worry today. Trying to trust. I'm pretty sure we will all still be alive a week from now, so that is good. This is not Valley Forge and we're not in Martin's Cove, we will be okay. But still I'm going to keep praying for deliverance.

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