Saturday, October 14, 2017

Hyrum's Routine

I was cleaning out papers today and found this in Hyrum's homework from last year. And since we're talking about routines I thought I'd share - here's Hyrum's "rutina" that he had to do for his Spanish class last year. I got a real kick out of his little illustrations. 
It's all quite accurate. His bunk bed with the full mattress on bottom, the slouched over position as he eats his breakfast at 6:15, Corey drove them to school, Coming home in the van with Joseph (this was pre-fiesta car). I think Hyrum looks bored in his school drawing at his desk. He probably is. He said recently to me on the drive to school "It's like the most cruel thing that anyone could do to a teenager... to stop them from doing what they love most (aka sleep) and make them go do what they like the least (school)..." Kinda funny. Only 4 more years of it, buddy, sorry!!

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