Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Rocky Mouth

I've been wanting to get up into the mountains for a month. Yesterday I made mental plans to go on a hike with the kids after they got home from school. Then the van battery died on us, boo! Joseph was able to start it after school yesterday but it died when he was picking up carpool at the jr. high. This morning when I took carpool, the van wouldn't start, dead again, ah! Corey gave me a jumpstart an then he took it in this afternoon and got it fixed, yay! So today is the day - I was bound and determined to get us up into that gorgeousness. The kiddos were ready and willing and so we did it! I wasn't sure where to go... Temple Quarry Trail? Brighton? Coyote Trail? I didn't know where we were going, but I turned right and we drove. We were all in awe of the colors near our home. AMAZING!!
We were almost singing "The Hills are Alive" with Julie Andrews. They were calling to us, so I decided to go to a short hike close to home - Rocky Mouth. It's steep and was a bit beyond Owen's level of expertise, but with Abi at my side we all made it up and back down. First things first though... we need a group pic!
And this is what the other side of the phone looks like - me and D! Actually I don't like how I look, so we'll crop that out - Daniel is cute though.
I had him strapped to me and we headed up the stairs -
The mountains were sooo red, it was gorgeous. A short walk through the neighborhood and then we were on the trail.
Pretty view of the valley ~
Up by the "cave". Lily was a fast hiker. Sophi did a pretty good job keeping up with Lily, Natalie did great keeping up with Sophi. And this hike could not have happened without Abi's help. She kept a close eye on Owen. Owen, however, did not want any help at all.
We'd just grab him now and then and let him wail while we tried to hurry up the trail where we could see and call to Lily. 
We finally made it to the waterfall.
I told them to try not to get their shoes wet. All but Lily complied.
Up at the waterfall I took Daniel off and Abi took a turn with him on her back. It was easier than trying to watch Owen, who was fighting hard for his independence.
Daniel was just adorable the whole time. He was dangling and kicking his feet and squealing the whole hike up, thinking it was pretty fun how he just floated up the trail - "Wee! I can fly!" I got Daniel strapped on Abi's back, which I knew would be easier for her than having him on her chest.
He's still happy and giggling! 
And they're ready to go! I had to share three pictures of these two cuties cause they were just so adorable, we love Daniel's cheesy toothy grin!
There were some "easter egg" rocks along the trail, which is something we've never seen before, but was fun for the kids. They brought them home and maybe we'll paint some to take on our hike tomorrow, cause we're getting out every day this week, so help me Mother Nature!

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