Thursday, November 30, 2017


So, this past holiday weekend on Saturday, Corey took the kids on an outing. They went to Momentum. They had a great time. I finally got a few of the pictures from Corey's phone, but it's taken me like all friggin morning cause there are 267 photos and videos! That takes me forever to filter through! So, these might not actually be the most important or best pictures that capture the event, but I'm tired of looking and it's taking too long. (It was going to take 68 minutes to transfer the pictures! and then 30 minutes into it, it crashed cause it said it was an unrecognized file or whatever, so they didn't save. So then I had to go through and transfer them in smaller sets, anyway, I was getting frustrated... Ok, enough about that) - Corey said it was great and that I would have loved it - seeing the kids working together and helping and supporting each other - Wes and Ethan holding the ropes for Natalie and Lily as they climb up on the wall -
Go Natalie, go!! I bet that was fun to watch her, such a little kid doing such a big kid thing.
She liked it, especially letting go and pushing off the wall to slowly float down. 
 down down down...
Caught by Abi!  
Lily back at the bottom, how was it? Pretty fun, right? Yay
Abi and Wes getting ready to go or something.
Corey took some of the pics and videos, which in focus and centered.
I think the other principle photographer of this outing was Lily (cause there were a lot of selfies from her)
Ethan and Hyrum going up the wall.
Wes helping Sophi harness up
Corey supporting Eth
Natalie watching, waiting for another turn.
Wes still tying knots...
And she's ready to go! This is fun! I'm up so high!
Sophi almost at the top!
Wes spotting Sophi - spotting isn't the right word... there's a different word for it in rock climbing, kids, fill me in, I can't remember what it is...
Corey just filled me in - "belaying". Wes is belaying Sophi. And he said you have to be 12 to belay. So Abi and younger never belayed anyone, just the big brothers and dad had to do that hard work. 
And this is the photo that let Corey know it was about time to wrap it up -
Once little girls are clinging to his legs and sitting on his feet, it's time to move on. He took them out for a treat. Waiting by watching something on Ethan's phone..
Fries and Frosty's = a happy place for kids.
Although this might mean they aren't going to eat much of my vegetable soup when they get home...
It would be fun to get a family pass to Momentum, cause Sophi's been asking about going again every day. And I know the older boys would like to go more often. That would be fun, we'll see what we can do.

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