Saturday, December 30, 2017

Bahr Family Gathering

This morning after chores were done, I took a van full of kids with me down to Utah county for a Bahr Family Reunion. My mom and her brothers get together every year on New Years Day. I haven't made it down the past few years because we're usually up skiing with neighborhood friends on New Years' Day, but this year, they thought they'd have a better turn from the grandkids like myself if they did it on the Saturday before, so yay! I was able to make it! I'm a little anti social, so the bar was pretty low for myself, but I did improve a little bit from my reunion socializing from years past. A cute Christmas card from them from years ago - I took a photo of a video with old photos that was playing~
A picture of my big sister Camilla when she was a cute little kid -
Camilla again, peeking up over the couch - that's my mom with the black slicked back hair.
Making Candy houses. I think these were pictures that Uncle Howard had taken years ago.
Look, there's my dad! Holding my little brother Baby Neil!
We thought he had a bit of a Luke Skywalker look to him.
Another picture of my mom in her awesome gingham dress.
So I watched the video a few times, talked with Uncle Don, Howard, Lyman, and just a little bit with Steve. Lee wasn't there. Some of his kids were. We visited with MaryLynn, and told her we had been in the audience a week earlier when she and her family performed in of Light of the World. I don't think I would have known if my mom hadn't pointed out their names in the program.
The reunion gathering was at a church, and we ate and played in the gym. Adults and big kids were playing games of basketball knockout while Daniel cheated death as he walked around the area where the baskeballs were rebounding and coming ever so close to his little noggin. Wesley brought his drone and flew that around. That almost got hit a few times too. It was fun and we enjoyed eating and visiting until Daniel gave me the sign that it was time to go.... "Mom! I'm about to grab your legs and whine until you pick me up!"
Yup, that's the sign - time to gather up the troops and head out.
It was fun to have the kids meet some of their 2nd cousins on my side of the family.

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