Saturday, December 23, 2017

Savior of the World

All the kids are out of school on now, but life hasn't slowed down and we haven't had a break yet. Which is fine. First the ski trip and then today we left for a matinee performance of the Savior of the World at the Conference Center Theater. Since Corey did the ski trip yesterday, he said he'd stay home with Owen and Daniel and I should go to the Savior of the World performance. This is becoming a bit of a Christmas tradition. We went years ago as a treat from my parents, and then we went with our frineds from Brazil in 2015 and we treated my parents last year. Corey got tickets for them in October, but never got around to calling to invite them until this morning. You know how life gets... Luckily they could come! So my Mom is behind Joseph, my Dad behind Abi, and you'll also see Wes and Mel there, and Hyrum and Ethan on the row in front of them. 
It's a really lovely play, and I was already teary in the first act. Zacharias and Elizabeth, longing for children. But, he says to her "You... we... have not be chosen to have children." That was their trial, but Elizabeth wouldn't give up hope. It's just beautiful. Corey struggles a little more with the stress and mess of our large family than I do. Which is understandable... there were 7 kids in my family growing up and I'm the 2nd oldest, so our life now feel pretty similar and familiar. Corey, however, grew up as the youngest of 3 children. After watching the play, tonight I teased him "You... we... have been chosen to have children." It's hard, but it's worth it. We are very blessed. I know so many people who long for a child/children. Again, it's hard, but it's good. Although, another thought from the play... and I know they are all actors, but man, the Savior's mother Mary, she is just soooo happy and has such a good attitude all the time! It's a bit ridiculous. I'm shaking my head at it, but also jealous at the same time. I want to be like that. I wish I always had a smile plastered on my face and a cheerful attitude. She reminded me of my friend Rachael. Just a little too happy to be normal! (Just kidding, you know I love you Rachael.) I want to be happy like Mary, and happy like Rachael. Something to think about for a 2018 resolution for myself I think!

My 16 year old Ethan wanted to drive on the way home. I didn't let him. Sorry buddy, I just struggle with it. He was making us laugh during the drive by pretending he was flying like Superman. Most of the drive on the freeway, he just had his arms straight out over the dashboard, but as we got close to home, he put the down the window so he could fly with the wind at his face.
He was screaming - "It's soooo cold!!! My hands!!!! Ahhh! I can't....!!" Funny guy.
Tomorrow is Sunday. We just have sacrament meeting and then head home. Elder Christofferson and his wife are speaking to our ward and a neighboring ward. It will be a real treat.

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